HOUSTON -- Even better news! That new book that helps readers to lose weight without dieting is now FREE on these days: Saturday, 22 June 2013, through Wednesday, 26 June 2013. Written by Dr. Kirk Mahoney, founder of SpryFeet.com and author of seven other books for runners and walkers, Weight Loss in 10,000 Steps a Day: How to Lose Weight without Dieting (Weight-Loss Programs Guide) is available exclusively as a Kindle eBook at all Amazon websites worldwide (including from http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00DGGE32Q).
Because the book is a Kindle eBook, Amazon will let buyers download major updates at no extra charge.
This policy of free updates for life applies even to those readers who obtain a copy of Weight Loss in 10,000 Steps a Day by "buying" it for $0.00 during the FREE period of June 22-26, 2013!
Plus, the Kindle format means that buyers can read the book without a Kindle, such as on an iPhone, Blackberry, or Mac.
So, anyone interested in losing weight should grab a free copy June 22-26 even if he or she does not have a Kindle.
Downloadable in less than a minute at http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00DGGE32Q and from other Amazon sites worldwide, Weight Loss in 10,000 Steps a Day also covers the trade-offs of using a pedometer versus smartphone app to track your steps, discusses the number 10,000, details the overweight/obesity epidemic, and teaches you how to use the latest technology to "streak" -- which may not be what you expect!
Go to http://www.spryfeet.com/ to learn more about other books by Dr. Kirk Mahoney.
Legal Notice: "SpryFeet" is a trademark of Kirk Mahoney, Ph.D.