Bringing a Learning Management System into a school (ought to) imply changes in classroom practice, teacher organisation and, perhaps, administrative practices. The book gives some theoretical background about the need for this change and relates the discussion to the usefulness of the Moodle Learning Management System (LMS) in achieving it.
This book outlines tried and tested strategies for implementing Moodle, consideration of the options that can be included and strategies for professional development of staff.
In addition the book will also survey the major options that administrators will be faced with when they first install Moodle. The book will also cover elements of style as they relate to the building of a Moodle course and cover the administration options available to teachers when creating and managing their courses.
Moodle is a popular Course Management System – sometimes called a Learning Management System (LMS) or Virtual learning Environment (VLE) - see By popular we mean that it currently has more than 60 million registered users.