Earlier this week it was reported that Star Com Media was in negotiations about the sale of possibly KKRP, KHXI and KLJS radio, Those reports were in error as the CEO explained.
"Star Com Media, which is the parent company of several Part 15 community stations, including KKRP, KHXI and KLJS radio, never intended to put these on any negotiating table. The rumors as to their sale somehow started and though I should have dispelled those rumors from the start, I did not. This was an error on my behalf. What actually occurred is that two of our subsidiaries, namely Star Com Promotions and Star Com Publishing were indeed sold. However, because of the contract terms I can not disclose the full details of that agreement but the company that did purchase them will make their own statement.
Another rumor that needs to be dispelled at this time, though unrelated to the sale of a couple of our companies, is that a former disgruntled DJ, who shall remain nameless, has made accusations that KKRP, KHXI and KLJS are strictly internet stations, This is false in that anyone that can read can go http://fcc.gov and find out what a Part 15 radio station is all about. Anyone that goes to our websites will note that they specifically state 'community terrestrial station'. For those unfamiliar with that terminology, it refers to not only the amount of output power of our over-the-air transmissions cover, but that we fully comply to Part 15 of the FCC Rules and Regulations. While our transmitters are small, the vast majority of our 167,00 listeners last month were via the internet. This should clarify the statements made by this disgruntled individual, who, made his statements and allegations without contacting me or anyone at Star Com Media prior to making those allegations.
Given all that has transpired, I feel obligated in clarifying past statements and dispelling rumors. I apologize to anyone who has felt threatened in that their show may or could be cancelled. Only one show was affected in that regards, the remaining shows on KKRP will remain, but there may be a slight change in time slots, so I urge everyone to visit our website at www.kkrp1610.com to learn more.
KKRP does indeed depend on donations to keep her on the air. It is also true that those donations have become a mere trickle, however I will do whatever I have to in order to keep her independent and on the air."
Keep KKRP independent and progressive make a donation today. www.kkrp1610.com