General Elections of Pakistan 2013 was held on May 11, 2013. Many parties, all around the Pakistan, participated in the General Elections. The main parties were PML-N, PTI, PML-Q, MQM, PPP etc. Many independent candidates were also participated in General Elections of Pakistan. The General Elections was conducted under the supervision of Election Commission of Pakistan. These elections were conducted for the 14th times in the history of Pakistan. The winner party of these Elections is PML-N and now the Prime Minister of Pakistan is Mian Muhammad Nawaz Shrief. Here I will discuss top five priorities of elected govt.
1st priority; Load Shedding:
Today the major issue and the problem of Pakistanis is Load Shedding. Everything is run in electricity. All types of businesses run through the electricity. Now electricity is the need of life such as water, oxygen and air. Unfortunately, for the last few years, we don’t have enough electricity to fulfill our needs of life. The businesses are flopped because of Load Shedding. Every person is crying because of Load Shedding. People are afraid when they think about that what would be in future if the situation will remain same. Therefore the new elected govt. of Pakistan should solve the problem of load shedding because people had casted their votes to PML-N in large number of quantity so that PML-N is the representative of the people of Pakistan so PML-N should solve this problem.
2nd Priority; Drown Attacks:
The drown attacks were started in the time of General Pervaz Musaraf in the tribal areas of Pakistan. United States are attacking these drown attacks. Every day, United States is increasing the number of Drown Attacks in tribal areas of Pakistan. A lot of brothers, sisters, child, old men, teenagers, and women are being killed in these Drown Attacks. The life is very much important for everyone. No one would like to die and to save the life of people is the duty of any govt. Therefore, the new elected govt. should take a quick action of these attacks.
3rd Priority; India, Pakistan Relationship:
Since 1947 both countries are fighting against one another. India has occupied in Kashmir since 1947. Three battles were fought between both countries. India is a neighbor country of Pakistan. Both countries are doing a lot of expenses in defense and military. Therefore, the govt. of Pakistan should solve this because the Prime Minister of Pakistan has very good relation with Prime Minister of India and has desired to keep good relation with India so that Pakistan should solve the problem and should save a lot of expenditures.
4th Priority; Education:
Today 1.5 corer of Pakistan are not going to school because of poorness. Education is the thing that helps a man in every way of life. Education teaches a man to spend a good life. It gives respect. It gives knowledge. It gives discipline. It gives wealth. In short it gives a happy life.
Because of good education, we can stand in front of the world. We can strong our economy and education.
Education system is not so good in Pakistan. It refers to Lord Moakley. So it should be the top priority of govt. to solve this problem and it is also the duty of govt. to give the standard education to all Pakistanis.
5th Priority; Health:
The health system of Pakistan is not so good. Every day doctors are doing strikes. The patients are dying because of not present of doctors. Every day the new cases of non-standard medicines are open. Many patients are dying because of non-standard medicines.
Health is wealth. If someone have good health, everything is fine for him. So that the Govt. should take an action in development of Health Department of Pakistan.
To conclude my article, the govt. should take a quick action in the removal of load shedding and drown attacks. And should provide good education and health to the people of Pakistan. And also should make a good relationship with India
Posted by: M Sohaib Roomi (Admin)