MBKeeper Separation SEO Package
will gets you more custom content, here we will dispense your content on fantastic sites for you. We aim at the five keywords with the Separation (leave your traffic worries) pack however you will most likely get traffic for more than that.
We recommend you choose up to five focus key phrases
We hand write at least five original articles
Create more than twenty five re-written versions of those articles (core text data can also be supplied by you – optional)
Post articles to the really effective web properties
We add your content to a layer of at least ten established premium web 2.0 properties
Next we deep link to those web 2.0 layers using a new layer of powerful properties to make sure it all gets found
Eight in-text follow links from trusted and established websites get you more eyeballs
Create one custom PDF document then distribute it to places that are frequently visited
Create one custom high quality video to really enhance your message
Multiple video distribution of custom video to get it out there
The new posts will be bookmarked just to be sure they are easily found
We announce your content on social media sites
RSS feeds will be mashed and syndicated for people who like to consume content with RSS
Links will be pinged so that everyone is alerted they exist
Our specialized media squad will custom make your video with a exclusive sales script.
This is a high level custom package so we will send you article content and a sample video script and image for you to edit/approve as you see fit before rendering and submission.
You will be able to attach pictures, upload content and discuss this project openly with your account director.
The job will be completed within five weeks from when we receive the complete data set from you. We will give you instructions upon completion of payment. We will send you a short PDF summary report when we have finished the job. Due to the private nature of our content syndication methods the package does not comprise logins for any of the accounts we use however it will focus the before and after results including a report showing you where the best content has been placed.
Work for the ordered package will only commence once the keyword/s are placed in the site’s page title. We will accept any page that has the keyword/s, it does not have to be the home page.