The CWC Group and its Libyan representative Al-Oula International are pleased to announce the second Libya Forum will take place on 16 – 18 September 2013, in Tripoli, Libya, with the official endorsement and full support of National Oil Corporation Libya.
The Forum is recognised by the industry as the premier meeting for top level Ministry and NOC representatives, high ranking officials from international oil companies and potential new market entrants to discuss the strategies that will drive forward Libya’s rich hydrocarbons sector.
As Libya prepares to draw up a new oil law which will allow them to launch a licensing round, the Libya Forum will bring together oil and gas decision makers from the Libyan government and industry stakeholders, to discuss the vast investment opportunities in their oil and gas sector.
Dr Nurri Berruien, Chairman of National Oil Corporation Libya confirmed senior figures from NOC Libya will be participating in the Forum both as speakers and session chairs; “NOC Libya looks forward to meeting with international oil and gas industry representatives as well as existing and potential investors during this important gathering.”
The first Libya Forum was a landmark meeting when it launched in September 2012. Opened by H.E. Abdulrahman Bin Yezza and Dr Nurri Berruien, the meeting was the first major gathering of the oil industry in the new Libya and drew together senior delegates from across the oil and gas value chain in Libya.