Although Content is King has been etched into the 'online commandments' by the prophet Bill Gates since (1/3/1996), It may be worth a little re evaluation of key facts. Having endless amounts of information on your site may neither propel your site into cyber stardom nor bring you customers.
Search engines - Bill Gates expected that Content was where the real money would be made on the internet and he was of course, right. Google and Bing and all the other search engines rely on your content and your tags and all those other internet terms we have come to know so well, to place you on their results list.
Your positioning on search results is crucial to visibility on the net. The difference between being on page one and page ten on is the virtual equivalent of being the tennis player in the Wimbledon finals or being the person who couldn’t manage to get a ticket, standing outside. In a word, on page one all eyes are on you on page ten most of the time no one will ever see you.
Your positioning is based on your relevance to the search term, your recommendations (links/backlinks etc) and your online history – age etc. This is somewhat finely tuned in search engines and attempts to trick the system are usually short-lived. Basically do it legit – it's not worth the time and effort to get blacklisted.
However, that’s not all it takes. Converting this positioning into consumer interest takes more than being in a web position to be looked at and then looked over. Content is King really refers to eye candy for the online consumer of varying sorts. Content refers to text -of course, images and video. The relative importance of which varies from cyber moment to moment as we all know that consumers are fickle and on the net incredible quick to switch off whatever initially attracted them and search something else. Using the metaphor of eye candy is quite appropriate in this context, the online consumer just entered a huge candy store and yours was the first candy he saw – do you think he is likely to just buy yours and walk out?
Andrew Odlyzko notes that content is less important than communication although common sense tells us that the initial step is to have your website seen through better positioning and then communicate with the online audience. If we pull away from the online world of search engines, information overload and just generally move back towards commerce it becomes pretty clear pretty quickly that as soon as you are seen your potential public starts to evaluate – they see your site, they get suspicious and they make decisions. Do you look legitimate? What message are you putting out there? Are you real? This all happens way before the buyer reads your content. Not the search engine – the buyer – the one with the money.
This is where you usually have to bring in the professionals to start making decisions. Colour, graphics, design, wording, personalization and this is inevitably where moderate to serious costs are incurred. Is your site boring? Is it clear? What fonts are you using? Is there too much written content?
You are essentially dealing with two completely different audiences at one moment – search engines and the public. The way you communicate with both of these audiences is through your content and their evaluation of your site is based on different albeit compatible understandings.
Understanding Google will take you half of the way but only half. Content that doesn’t bring monetary income is by and large –useless. In addition to which, it will fail in organic searches after some time as the website has little to offer the consumer.
Depending therefore on your definition of content will depend on how far you can use it to your advantage. Real web content sends a message to the consumer in clear and certain terms.