When software companies introduce SCRUM as an approach for improving software development, one of the most difficult aspects of this change process is the role of the product owner in SCRUM.
"When companies change their internal procedures, there can be a conflict in responsibilities and problems with delegating tasks," explains Hans Peter Bech, CEO of TBK Consult. "Together with Hans-Bernd Kittlaus we have decided to provide an interactive workshop for SPM and Scrum product owners to work through issues that they are or could be facing in the future. We are delighted to offer this new workshop in Copenhagen."
Scrum is an iterative and incremental agile software development framework for managing software projects and product or application development. Building products with new processes can be daunting. Being responsible for the business value of the project can be intimidating. This workshop endeavours to provide solutions to participants, which they can implement easily and effectively with their teams.
An international expert is running the workshop
The course will be run by Hans-Bernd Kittlaus, a former head of Software Product Management at IBM. He has published the book, 'Software Product Management and Pricing', and among his clients are companies such as Lycos, Deutsche Telekom and SimCorp. Hans-Bernd is certified as Scrum Product Owner (Scrum Alliance CSPO), ISPMA Software Product Manager, and PRINCE2 Practitioner.
The 1-day course will take place in central Copenhagen. It will run 5 September 2013, with a maximum of 15 participants.
For more information and booking: http://www.tbkacademy.com