大学英语词汇短语释义解析及例句 convergence criteria
convergence criteria 收敛性判别准则; 收敛标准:用于衡量算法或数值方法在逼近解时的性能,通常是通过比较相邻迭代之间的差异来判断是否达到预定的精度。
To implement the convergence criteria.
The steady convergence criteria are set up using the time marching method.
The iterative format and the convergence criteria of this algorithm are presented.
A method of minimum weight design with the lowest frequency as the constraint frequency is provided, and the iterative formulas and convergence criteria are found.
When the convergence criteria is satisfied, the evolution finishes, and the attained decoding solution in the search space changes into the one in the problem space;
The "convergence criteria" set out in the treaty called for would-be joiners to meet targets for inflation, bond yields, exchange-rate stability, budget deficits and public debt.
The contents of which related to the mathematical foundations of the Monte Carlo simulation method, its general work flow, the four key steps of a snapshot and the convergence criteria of simulation.
This was made necessary by the Maastricht convergence criteria, which required countries joining Europe's single currency to have similar, low rates of inflation.
The economies are also relatively similar in structure, though in the short term they face some difficulties in meeting the convergence criteria they have set themselves, which are loosely based on those of the European Union (EU).