大学英语词汇短语释义解析及例句 convergence criterion

大学英语词汇短语释义解析及例句 convergence criterion


convergence criterion 收敛准则:用于判断数列、函数或迭代过程是否收敛的标准或条件。


The convergence criterion was given.


Then on the condition of circulation and wake geometry convergence, the rotor thrust is calculated to satisfy convergence criterion of thrust.


The stability, starting problem, initial value of sub-iteration and convergence criterion of implicit iteration of the dual-time stepping method are studied.


This paper is mainly about recognizing convergence with the methods of infinitesimal equivalence in the limit form of convergence criterion in series of positive terms .


We proved the intermediate value theorem for continuous function at closed interval by constructing auxiliary sequence ingeniously and applying compact theorem as well as Cauchy convergence criterion.


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