大学英语词汇短语释义解析及例句 conventional forces
conventional forces 常规部队:指使用传统武器和战术的军事力量,与核武器和其他大规模杀伤性武器相对。
It is time to go beyond the shibboleth that conventional forces cannot deter.
But its conventional forces are badly rusted.
But despite economic stagnation, technological limitations and international sanctions, its conventional forces can't be discounted, if only because of their size.
And it is precisely that messy, manipulative and murderous kind of fighting between conventional forces and elusive defenders that could beckon Americans as they approach Baghdad.
He adds the conflict against Georgia last August revealed flaws in Russia's conventional forces as well.
The Atlantic Force and the Pacific Force consisted of the bulk of all conventional forces.
The Conventional Forces in Europe and START I treaties and the Chemical Weapons Convention are cases in point.
The United States sends its most elite operatives (SOCOM) into Afghanistan way before it sends in conventional forces.
Baked into the narrative structure of Mass Effect 3 is that a victory by conventional forces is, fundamentally, impossible.
Under the currently proposed Conventional Forces in Europe (CFE) agreement, the United States might remove one division from Europe.
The Base Force proposed a 25 percent reduction in conventional forces and reductions in the U.S. strategic nuclear arsenal.
Agreements are imminent on strategic arms, chemical weapons, conventional forces and nuclear testing.
The Conventional Forces in Europe (CFE) Treaty, signed in 1990, limits the number of conventional weapons countries are allowed.
But Sir Jock reckons that any money saved would almost certainly go back to the Treasury, not the conventional forces.
Lobov, who recently averred that the U.S. military buildup could "wreck" the Conventional Forces in Europe (CFE) talks underway in Vienna.
START, conventional forces and chemical arms agreements, for example, will stipulate that the required destructions of weapons be carried out over protracted periods.
START, conventional forces and chemical arms pacts, for example, will stipulate that the required destructions of weapons be carried out over protracted periods.
The value of such agreements has been dramatically challenged, however, by Soviet conduct under the recently completed Conventional Forces in Europe (CFE) Treaty.
He is more likely to agree with the Kremlin that Russia's main defence is its nuclear weaponry, not its massive but ramshackle conventional forces.
It says the government should invest the billions saved by cancelling Trident in Britain's conventional forces, which would otherwise face further cuts by 2020.