大学英语词汇短语释义解析及例句 convection section
convection section 对流部分; [动力] 对流段
The chemical cleaning method of convection section tube for hydrogen manufacturing furnace was recommended.
The burst part in convection section of a tube of F108 cracking furnace in alkene factory, Liaoyang Petrochmical Company, was analyzed.
针对辽阳石化分公司烯烃厂f 108裂解炉对流段炉管爆裂破坏进行了分析。
It must be noted, however, that refinery gas usually generates a certain amount of steam in the convection section of refinery gas-fired radiant furnaces.
Therefore, the process feed, combustion air, and fuel gas should be preheated as much as possible before considering steam generation in the convection section.
Application of soldered finned tube to convection section of high hydrogenation heater in refinery is proved to be safe and reliable through industrial practice.
Meanwhile, F108 was initially designed without HPSSH in convection section, and the saturated vapor generated was sent to vapor superheating furnace for superheating.
It can be used to check the flexibility of the convection section when the feed and operation condition changes, and it can be used to design the cracking furnace of different scale and feedstocks.