大学英语词汇短语释义解析及例句 forced convection

大学英语词汇短语释义解析及例句 forced convection


forced convection 强制对流:一种热量传递方式,通过外部力量(如风扇、泵等)驱动流体流动,从而实现热量在流体内的传递。


Convection can be of two types: natural convection and forced convection.


Convection without phase change can be divided into free convection and forced convection.


The model assumes that forced convection and nucleate boiling coexist in the annular flow regime.


Natural convection can affect the heat transfer coefficient in the presence of weak forced convection …


The forced air convection oven heats food and beverages by conduction with a hot plate or by forced convection.


It is shown that the forced convection over micro pin fin heat sinks is a very effective heat transfer mode.


Two phase flow forced convection boiling heat transfer on helical coiled tubes has been systematically studied.


Two phase forced convection heat transfer coefficients are correlated as function of Lockhart Martinelli parameter.

用修正L M关系式整理了两相强制对流放热系数。

Droplet ignition and extinction in practical combustors are strongly influenced by forced convection and turbulence.


For the time being, the most useful and the most extensively used cooling method of CPU is still the forced convection.


In forced convection the movement of the fluid or gas is caused by an external agent which gives rise to pressure differences.


The forced convection was produced by the flow of the liquid through the central opening in the bottom of the internal crucible.


Under the action of wind, forced convection of air above ground and water evaporation of top soil layer will be greatly enhanced.


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