Your Good Neighborhood insurance, Good Palms insurance, the one’s that state they keep their promises, enriching those with whom they connect with, all protection under one roof may be the statements of the past when the roof no longer exists. What was once a pretty good idea to protect your largest asset, your home, has now experienced severe cracking as large corporate insurance companies once thought to have our interests at heart are retracting extremely important home owner’s insurance coverage clauses such as “Falling Object”! "The terminology, the insurance terminology is “falling object” so a falling object could be not only a meteor, or a piece of space junk, it could be something that fell off a plane, pretty much anything coming from above and hitting the structure of the house," said Benjamin J. Garvey, Vice President of the Insurance Center of New England in Agawam.
Now with the recent announcement of a asteroid projectile called 2012 DA 14 with a diameter of 150 feet is returning to earth but this time it is much closer. 2012 DA 14 returns every 6 months to near Earth orbit and each time it gets closer. The last time an asteroid of this size struck the Earth in Arizona it left a 1 mile sized crater. This asteroid will come within 12,000 miles of the Earth which is closer than many satellites that orbit the Earth. Another asteroid QE2 roughly the size of the Golden Gate Bridge will be making its presence on around May 31st of this year and has told the scientific community, especially NASA to be on the alert for something far more concerning which has up until the last 48 hours been unrecognized, until now.
Roughly the size of Texas, travelling at a speed in excess of 30,000 kilometers per hour is on a direct path with Earth and is likely to strike somewhere in the South Pacific within the next 24-48 hours. The planetary extinction level event is about to change the face of the planet and with it all life. NASA has put out all the stops for all plans, missions, programs and dedicated its entire existence to finding out how to stop this planetary destroyer as it travels headlong towards Earth. Calls to NASA, the White House have not ben returned. Home owners insurance has now become the least of anyone’s concern.
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