We all thrive to have a young look for a long period, but with time aging signs becomes visible. In today’s age not only women, men are equally enthusiastic to have younger looking skin by removing unwanted age spots such as spider veins, scars, sun spots, stretch marks, acne, rosacea etc. Medicines like antibiotics and other painful treatments were recommended for removing such age spots, but unfortunately the results are not satisfactory, sometimes leaving even more scars.
Thanks to latest cosmetic technology as Age Spot Removal have become painless with 100% satisfaction. In fact the latest such stunning treatment is IPL or Intense Pulse Light which is creating ripples in the world of cosmetic. Let’s learn more about IPL, its benefits and how to choose best IPL technician.
Generally speaking people tend to get confused with laser and IPL and think they both are same. While technically they both are different, but at the same time both are photo dynamic treatment modalities and interchangeably the terms are used. Now while talking about the difference between these two, IPL treatments is far quicker compared to the laser treatment. This happens because IPL treatments heads are up to eight times large than in laser treatment.
The second difference is IPL treatment utilizes entire light waveband whereas lasers are capable to produce light with only one wavelength. It is said that as different wavelengths enter and move through the skin to varied depths and thus IPL is made with assortment of different colors and it is all about utilizing group of lasers in single treatment. Thus, this Age Spot Removal procedure not only provides satisfactorily results but saves money as limited seating are required for a perfect spot less and porcelain skin.
However, it is also important to keep in mind that the benefits of IPL treatment can only be procured when an experienced technician is carrying out such sessions. It is important to ensure that the technician is considering every single case thoroughly as the skin requirements of individuals tends to vary and is unique. Thus, the technicians must consider medical conditions, medications, medical history and skin type followed by requirement of the concerned individuals to customize IPL treatment for best and satisfactorily results.
Age Spot Removal is no longer a daunting, time consuming and painful procedure. With IPL treatment removing unwanted spots is now a reality at least possible time. Seek the help of right IPL technician today for a young skin.
For more information please visit us at http://www.doritalaserclinic.ca/