Best At Home Cellulite Treatment
Cellulite is triggered by numerous genetic and lifestyle factors, which include poor circulation, high-stress, malnutrition, and being overweight. This article address several different ways to treat cellulite, including various massage therapies, exercise, home remedies, and cellulite creams.
Massage Treatments for Cellulite
Massaging the affected area of your body that is plagued by adipose tissue will help to increase blood circulation in addition to releasing muscle tension. Endermologie is a clinical spa treatment in which a machine massages your body with rollers that fold skin layers to stretch the connective tissue beneath your skin. This tissue contains herniated fatty cells, which produce the skin pockets and dimples otherwise known as cellulite.
Aside from endermolgie, acoustic wave therapy is also available from a spa or special health clinic. This technique applies pressure waves to deeply penetrate the underlying skin and fatty tissue to smooth out unevenness in the skin.
Cellulite Exercises
The first step to fighting cellulite is to burn off fat. Biweekly cardiovascular exercise sessions produce max results at a higher intensity. Biking, running, and swimming are all good hobbies to take up if you are serious about burning off the flab and slimming down your legs, stomach and thighs. Check out Internet #1 - Best At Home Cellulite Treatment @ and gain your beautiful confident forever!
Implement a weekday or two for an isometric strength training regime in order to firm flabby legs, thighs and buttocks to prevent cellulite from developing. If exercise machines are your thing, be sure to include the leg press, hip abduction, and seated leg curl machines into your weekly workout.
Alternately, you can perform free weights exercises to target high-fat areas in the body. Good exercises to practice include dumbbell squats, lunges, and abdominal curls, as well as stretching techniques such as yoga or Pilates.
DIY Home Cellulite Treatments
Rub ground coffee beans on affected area for instant cellulite removal. Note, this result is temporary and will dry and dehydrate skin if used excessively. If rubbing coffee all over your body sounds like too much of a mess to deal with, a home massage is a better bet. Massage the affected area with a soft-bristled brush, which will alleviate tension from herniated fatty cells, in addition to gently exfoliating your skin to remove dead skin cells and debris. Check out Internet #1 - Best At Home Cellulite Treatment @ and gain your beautiful confident forever!