大学英语词汇短语释义解析及例句 compulsory insurance
compulsory insurance [保险] 强制保险
The second is the broadly application of compulsory insurance.
The impunity what compulsory insurance sets does not include escapement.
The impunity what compulsory insurance sets does not include escapement.
The second section discusses the function of Motor vehicle third-party liability compulsory insurance.
The third party liability compulsory insurance of motor vehicle is one of the effective ways to solve the problem.
So many parents, including those paying for private schools, see home tutoring as a near-compulsory insurance policy.
In order to ensure that the damages are definitely made, an automobile compulsory insurance system should be constituted.
There is deeply theoretical and practical value to have systematic research on marine compulsory insurance in universal sense.
Lease cars shall be equipped with complete commercial insurance, including the compulsory insurance, such as carrier liability insurance.
And the automobile compulsory insurance in the scope of the problem reflected in the compulsory insurance and compensation under compulsory insurance system.
After Regulations on Third Party Liability Compulsory Insurance on Mobile Car (Draft) came out, its non-profit, non-loss making principle became a focus of discussion.
The author suggests to implementing compulsory insurance of oil pollution on all coastal ships and set express criterion on limitation of liability through legislation.
Finally, the article 76 clause 1 of The Rode Traffic Safety Law is discussedPartIII is the main content of the motor vehicle liability compulsory insurance for the third party.
In the view of any risk of environmental pollution risk, the current system of environmental liability insurance set up the country of the introduction to the compulsory insurance.
It is the world-wide common practice to force all the motor vehicle owners to buy the motor vehicle accident liability compulsory insurance and to establish the social assisting fund.
The seventh part compares the relation between the Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims and the maritime compulsory insurance and points out their relation of promoting each other.
The policy of the motor vehicle accident liability compulsory insurance should meet the needs of justice, fairness and openness, express the essential characteristics of the public policy.
In order to protect the victims of traffic accidents, many countries and regions have carried out the motor traffic accident liability compulsory insurance since the beginning of the last century.