If you need sales revenue fast, it’s pointless to look for new business if you haven’t fully protected your turf – your current customer base, according to Seattle Biz Coach Terry Corbell.
“To use a football metaphor – you must first protect your goal line – don’t lose customers to your competitors,” writes the profit professional (www.bizcoachinfo.com). “Instead, multiply sales with your current customer base, and then get easy referral business.”
Remember the adage: First things first.
Then, focus on prospects. Otherwise, no matter how many new customers you attract, he says, it’ll be in vain because they’ll be poached by your rivals, too.
Mr. Corbell is a longtime business-performance consultant, and is publisher of The Biz Coach, “Proven Solutions for Maximum Profits.” The portal features complimentary business-coaching strategies in hundreds of articles in planning, operations, marketing/sales, finance, tech, HR, public policy and Wall Street.
“So start with a world-class customer-loyalty program,” says the management consultant. “You’ll get financial prosperity and peace of mind in the quickest way, if you target the prospects who know you best.”
As a bizcoach, he says it’s “far easier to keep a current customer happy than to invest time and money just to replace the business.”
Mr. Corbell advises picking your slowest months to employ business tips:
1. Assess your company’s customer service program.
2. Identify and improve any attitudinal customer-service shortcomings.
3. Make customers feel special with a customer-rewards program.
4. Maintain top-of-the-mind awareness with your customers by synchronizing your value propositions at every marketing and sales level.
5. Continually fine-tune your customer-service, a customer loyalty program.
6. Get all everyone involved and partner with your employees for profits.
He explains his six points at http://www.bizcoachinfo.com/archives/14550.
Mr. Corbell knows every entrepreneur needs to save time and money while increasing revenue, so he published “Free Tools to Operate, Market Your Business” at http://bizcoachinfo.com/archives/8553.
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