RULE #1: Fashion rules are there to be broken.
RULE #2: Having fashion sense is all about knowing what looks good on YOU, not what looks good on Paris Hilton or Naomi Campbell.
RULE #3: When fashion magazines or self-proclaimed experts say something is "Over, Bourgeois, Tired, Common, So last year or Very yesterday/last week/last century" it means the person talking now considers that particular style or colour to be out of style and are now pushing the next big thing, which they will usually describe as being "New, Now, Fresh, Brave, Chic, Divine, Girly, Love, Important, or To die for."
RULE #4: Don't listen to fashion magazines or self-proclaimed experts. They are just copying what everyone else is saying.
RULE #5: Trend setters either create something new or go retro to bring something from the past and make it new again. Trend followers are just copycats with no fashion sense of their own.
RULE #6: When picking out something to wear or shopping, always ask several things: A. Is this practical? B. What if it rains? C. Can I afford this? D. Will I ever wear this or am I just filling my closet with things I will never wear? E. Does it actually look good on me or am I just fooling myself?
RULE #7: Some colours match, some don't, but does it really matter? Sometimes you want to wear opposing colours because it will stand out more.
RULE #8: Just because it is a men's shirt, pants, socks or whatever doesn't mean it won't fit or suit you. I happen to believe men's briefs look very good on women.
RULE #9: Before stepping outside ask yourself "What if I die today and this is the clothing I am found wearing? Do I want to be found dead wearing corduroy pants and a leather thong?" (Or whatever you happen to be wearing!)
RULE #10: Last but not least, passe means that something has been already. Avante garde means nobody has ever done it before. See the difference? Don't misuse terms.
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