大学英语词汇短语释义解析及例句 comically

大学英语词汇短语释义解析及例句 comically


comically adv. 滑稽地;诙谐地


Other boys saw it and began to laugh; then they all copied the first; and they ran round Philip, limping comically, screaming with shrill laughter.


He began comically ad-libbing a script.


In fact our admiration for the comically gifted is relatively new and not very well-founded, says Rod Martin, a psychologist at the University of Western Ontario.


The display of prehistoric monsters is comically naive.


And he can react to bad news in a comically exaggerated way!


On the girl's shoulder sat a little marmoset scratching its head comically.


And as forum member chee noted, this comically would make Nolan a man of his word.


When she finally decides to take control of her own fate she is comically resolute.


Comically, Microsoft's own Windows Phone 7 can't yet select text for cutting and pasting.


Strangely — or should we say comically — enough, the story was denied by the comedian shortly after.


As the CEO of the world's most valuable brand, Jobs pulled in a comically low annual salary of just $1.


I remember a warm voice, expressive eyes, and bushy eyebrows that wiggled3 comically at a pun or a joke.


I have my own views on this, and some of them are upbeat, but they're hard to summarize without sounding comically cosmic.


Many who cite his apologetic approach have a comically wooden understanding of how he approached people to win them to faith.


Disfluent fonts, the ones people tend to laugh off, fonts that are comically ugly, they tend to be the best for learning and for memory.


As tasks become more specialised and firms occupy ever-smaller market niches, job titles and business categories can sound comically obscure.


The United States actually scored a comically bad 2.038, which brought it all the way down to 94th place — above Saudi Arabia, but below Peru.


On Saturday, they giggled at a Michael Jackson imitator wearing headphones and doing a comically poor imitation of the artist, seemingly for himself.


There are also variants of the drink that mix the two syrups; these are sometimes referred to as " Zebras", also, more comically refered to as "Tuxedo Mocha".


Whatever its origin, it is comically ruthless, assaulting him with unlucky coincidences, coarse puns, karmic blowbacks, and punctual hoistings by his own petard.


What made them so comically sinister is that they were always luxurious: in real life, villains' bunkers are claustrophobic places made worse by an atmosphere of paranoia.


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