大学英语词汇短语释义解析及例句 comfortless

大学英语词汇短语释义解析及例句 comfortless


comfortless adj. 不舒服的;无安慰的;不自由的


Oh, how dark and comfortless it was in the dreary world!


She felt comfortless in the big chair.


They brought comfortless news to all of us.


Rain began to pour down from a black and comfortless sky.


Comfortless as a mother cow whose calf has wandered far away.


During those comfortless, sleepless nights, she read many books.


He escaped from a disorderly, comfortless home into a wealthy, respectable one.


No doubt this thought may seem comfortless to one who has not made a success of his life.


Even if these states do not arise, the comfortless nature of the formations will become more evident than ever.


The world is full of comfortless hearts, and ere thou art sufficient for this lofty ministry, thou must be trained.


Then, in 1899, a telegraph cable connecting Britain to Cape Town came ashore amid the jagged rocks of Comfortless Cove.

然后,在1899年,一条连接不列颠岛与开普敦的电报电缆在礁石嶙峋的坎福特湾(Comfortless Cove)上岸。

Fixed for ten hours on a comfortless bench, they know no way of occupying themselves, and if they think at all it is to whimper about hard luck and pine for work.


I shall be told, I suppose, that my philosophy is comfortless-because I speak the truth; and people prefer to be assured that everything the Lord has made is good.


I don't know if u received my note. several days ago i were taken ill, felt comfortless very much. but about thursday i had almost gotten well. on thursday i started to work, besides a little faint.


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