大学英语词汇短语释义解析及例句 comfortable temperature

大学英语词汇短语释义解析及例句 comfortable temperature


comfortable temperature 舒适温度


The air comes back in the room providing a comfortable temperature.


The sun was warm, comfortable temperature, the weather today was nothing less than great.


We need such a summer: happy insect language, clear river, comfortable temperature, fresh air.


Passive ventilation helps your child maintain a comfortable temperature throughout the season.


Absorbs, stores and releases excess warmth to help keep you in a comfortable temperature zone.


You can't have a bath without water, but it might take a while to reach a comfortable temperature.


Therefore, visitors will be touring around the pavilion in a cool and comfortable temperature even in the summer.


Make sure that your blinds can block out any light that might come in, and that your room stays at a comfortable temperature.


A dark environment, a comfortable temperature, an afternoon nap and a soothing scent are among a traveler's best defenses.


As a way of maintaining a steady, comfortable temperature, the building features heat release panels high up in the ceiling.


The simulations predicted a comfortable temperature margin at the injector face, which was confirmed by subsequent test firings.


The keys are soft lighting, comfortable temperature and humidity levels, warm colors and soothing atmospherics such as music or flowers.


Have a relationship will not continue, a voice in the ear of never again a ringing, hold hands with comfortable temperature of the palm.


The future, which is really only the unpredictable space we hold between ourselves could offer a comfortable temperature to its inhabitants.


The workshop should take place in a hospitable atmosphere with plenty of room, a comfortable temperature and light refreshments during breaks.


A fresh air system with a preheat function can provide comfortable temperature of fresh air to keep the indoor temperature at the same time to achieve energy-saving purposes.


Particularly one part of the stored water can be heated to the comfortable temperature in a shortest time period thereby quickly providing warm water after the warm water is totally discharged.


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