大学英语词汇短语释义解析及例句 colonize

大学英语词汇短语释义解析及例句 colonize


colonize v. 在……开拓殖民地,移民于殖民地;将(场所,产业)据为己用;移植于,大批繁殖于;<美>从他地非法把选民移入
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The first British attempt to colonize Ireland was in the twelfth century.


Science fiction writers have long dreamed that humans might one day quit the earth to colonize other planets.


Algae colonize the dead area.


It is also interesting to notice who does not colonize at this early period and the answer is all the most famous cities of Greece in the Classical Period.


Finally, Thebes, the greatest city in Boeotia, also does not colonize.


If the human race survives, I have no doubt that it will eventually colonize space.

They plan to colonize our planet, erase its pesky inhabitants, and harvest the H?

The Danes, Dutch and Brits sent their fleets and financiers to colonize the world.

Speaking through an interpreter, President Bashir argued that a U.N. force is a ploy to re-colonize Sudan.

President OMAR AL-BASHIR (The Sudan): Our country refuses completely any attempt to re-colonize us in this sly manner.

" As we colonize the solar system, predicts George Yeo, Singapore's trade minister, "Planet Earth will become the Old World.

Colonize state and local parties, as Ron and Rand Paul have done, where it is strong but not too strong.

At present it has no need to colonize Siberia purely for agriculture, since Russia has plenty of arable land in more hospitable climates.

The government sends out a ship to colonize Mars and then watches as millions of years go by in just a few days.

The former soldiers were shown how to plant endemic bamboo, which is an excellent anchor for soil and so fast-growing that it can colonize a hillside within months.

You come to New York, you colonize New York.

The condor has begun to re-colonize its historic range in the Tehachapi, a territory that is also undergoing a wind farm-building boom that has attracted investors like Google.

And our enemies in Iraq use as one of their information operations themes against the coalition the argument that we intend to stay, intend to colonize, intend to run Iraq.

In a rambling online manifesto, the group said one of the reasons the U.S. Embassy was targeted was to stop what it called American imperialist plans to colonize Syria and Turkey.

In part, the strategy was to use social media to promote the image of PepsiCo as the good company, and, it was hoped, to colonize some part of the digital generation as the next Pepsi Generation.

Mathur focused on detecting methane in the breath, since animal studies found that the presence of a certain family of organisms called archaea, which are older than bacteria and colonize the gut, was linked with weight gain and conveniently released small amounts of methane gas.

George W. Bush's second inaugural will no doubt prove historic because it carried a punch, asserting an agenda so sweeping that an observer quipped that by the end he would not have been surprised if the president had announced we were going to colonize Mars.

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