大学英语词汇短语释义解析及例句 cockney

大学英语词汇短语释义解析及例句 cockney


cockney n. 伦敦腔;伦敦人
adj. 伦敦人的;伦敦方言的
[ 复数 cockneys ]


The man spoke with a Cockney accent.


He had coarsened his voice to an approximation of Cockney.


He speaks with a cockney accent.


You may have heard a Cockney accent (east end of London).


He is a true Cockney, born within the sound of Bow bells.


To be honest, I found it very difficult to understand cockney.


Many pass their honorary Cockney titles on from parent to child.


Becks hasn't changed since I've known him. He's always been a flash Cockney git.


Some believe the distinctive Cockney brand of English is also in danger of dying out.


Audrey Hepburn plays a cockney flower girl who is trained to pass as an upper-class lady.

奥戴丽 赫本在里面演一个说满口伦敦土话的卖花女,受训练让人把她当成上流社会的淑女。

Were your actorly instincts stirred by the fact that you had to affect a cockney accent at school?


Paste a URL into the box and select a dialect like Redneck, Cockney or Elmer Fudd to have the whole site translated.

The Dialectizer:将某个站点的URL地址粘贴到编辑框里,从乡下话、伦敦腔或者Elmer Fudd式语言中选择一种将会翻译整个站点。

With some accents, including cockney accents, Ts aren't pronounced in words where Americans use D to replace it.


David Beckyham was given a cockney accent and programmed to say 'at the end of the day' three times every sentence.


"The suburbs is the last 'urdle, " he says in his thick Cockney accent. "After that you get your lit'l green badge."


They are probably among the most recognizable Cockney symbols - the so-called Cockney royalty: Pearly Kings and Queens.


A non-standard spelling of no, nah is often used when representing southern English pronunciation, particularly cockney speech.


For example, the 'Cockney' speech, which describes a small area of east London, is nearly impossible to understand for anyone else.

举个例子,the Cockney speech(伦敦腔)一词指的是伦敦市东部一块很小的地方的英语,几乎很少有这一地区外的人听的懂。

Low - there's nothing glitzy about donning a greasy spoon pinny, and she adopts a cockney accent to fit in with the East End setting.


He also makes great use of local color, from the harsh Cockney accents of his characters to the dark streets of the East End of London.


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