3irobotix Obtains TÜV Certification to Ensure User Privacy

SHENZHEN, China, Dec. 12, 2022 - 3irobotix (or "the Company"), a leading provider of mobile robotics technologies and services, has obtained an essential third-party certificate on personal privacy protection, as the Company continues to ramp up its efforts in information security to ensure user privacy.

On Nov. 30, the Company received the ETSI EN 303 645 V2.1.1 certificate issued by TÜV, an internationally renowned third-party testing and certification organization based in Germany. Achieving TÜV certification is a worldwide seal of quality, demonstrating that the product meets international safety standards.

The issuance of such a certificate shows that 3irobotix's products meet the industry standards under the ETSI EN 303 645 V2.1.1 terms that examine network security and privacy protection, especially for internet-of-things (IoT) consumer products.

"We place an emphasis on designing our products from the point of view of users, and have always prioritized user privacy protection," Wu Zexiao, Deputy General Manager of 3irobotix, said. "With the recognition from TÜV, we can demonstrate that we are committed to developing robotic products that meet the highest industry standards for product safety and data security."

As artificial intelligence has become an important driving force in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0), concerns over personal data and subsequent ethical issues have emerged over the past few years. On this front, the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI), an independent non-profit organization in the field of information and communications, has worked with product manufacturers, academic institutions and government agencies to develop industry standards, and in 2020 launched the ETSI EN 303 645 standard.

Such a standard aims to offer an effective and comprehensive assessment to restrict cybercriminals from launching distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks or attempting to take control of global devices, in order to reduce the risks of personal data leaks.

Specifically, for the assessment for 3irobotix products, TÜV's evaluations primarily covered areas including the company organization and management, product research and development, operation and maintenance, equipment safety and guarantee, risk control and privacy security planning, among others. TÜV also deployed over 200 permeability tests.

The test results showed that 3irobotix products and its software services have reached the leading international level for personal data protection. The recognition is essential to the brand and comes as an important factor that drives product upgrades and the iteration process for 3irobotix.

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