LOS ANGELES, CA, December 06, 2022 - Gyeonggido conducted an 'Online Meet Up' with Clement Jean, a reporter from the European media outlet, STARTUPWORLD, through a virtual meeting on the 25th of October, in order to share the value and state of companies in Pangyo Techno Valley with the world.
Taking part in the virtual meeting was Sam Corporation (CEO Jaebum Park), a company that develops the creator series platform, which allows people to quickly and easily make and share content with people around the world. Since its first establishment in 2017, it established a corporation in Silicon Valley, US in 2020, and was award the award in the Smart Media category in the Academic' Choice Award in 2021.
Sam Corporation developed an online content creation platform that allows the quick and easy creation of content through the linking of story making, screen editing, and connection and collaboration of creators. An image and music library are provided by default for content creation and is a platform that supports various formats so that content creation can take place on mobile devices.
Some of its characteristics include various elements like cards for stories, backgrounds, characters, items, action, emotions, and plots, being able to create an unlimited amount of content through collaboration and team work on the online platform, improving imagination and creativity of students, and expandability from being able to share creations with the whole world through endless recreations.
Sam Corporation's 'Story Creator' can create storyboards with just a smartphone, without the need for other expensive equipment. As a self-directed storytelling education product for elementary students, material can be filmed with the smartphone camera to create your own story's video. Cards with material for diverse settings are provided, and over 100 cards of elements like characters, locations, scenarios, props, and emotions are also provided, along with white cards that can be filled out by oneself.
In addition, it is equipped with a feature of AI voice actors reading the story through TTS. Voice can be converted into text through STT and automatically edited and applied to the timeline, cutting the editing time when creating videos.
'We Creator', a different product, is one that creates video media based on the imagination and is in the form of a boardgame that anyone can easily experience. It can interact with smartphone applications to create video media, and background music and sound effects can be applied freely. Individual directing for each scene is possible as well.
CEO Jaebum Park of Sam Corporation said, "We made it a system where creators can generate profit while sharing each other's content, and we are developing system that automatically splits the profits for creators as well." He went on to share his plans for the future, saying, "We already have a POC and experience with running an incubating program through a business agreement with the city of Helsinki in Finland. We are also running a program to get certifications that give recognition for educational value in the European market, and we will make efforts to be recognized by European educational institutions, and to be localized as a program used by students and creators all over the world by expanding into the global market."
The 'Online Meet Up' is one of the promotion projects of Pangyo Techno Valley and is an event where opinions of key issues of Pangyo Techno Valley companies are shared with the startup clusters around the world online. The meeting in October in particular, was one where the companies of Pangyo were introduced, and it became a place where new technologies of numerous startups could be introduced. The videos of the Online Meet Up can be seen on the Pangyo Techno Valley YouTube channel.
Watch the Video : Sam Corporation / 2022 Pangyo Monthly Online Meet Up 'PANGYO (Korea) X START
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