HALTOM CITY, TX, December 06, 2022 - When it comes to revitalization strategies for South and Central Haltom City areas, a local business alliance feels that current council members are falling short. Although a Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) was put in place in the hope of seeing positive change over the long term, a TIRZ in and of itself will not address current problems in Haltom City's inner-city areas. It is just one tool among many that should be considered at this time.
Founded in 2020, the Haltom United Business Alliance (HUBA) is a group of small business owners who, among other things, continually advocate for strategies that will reverse decline in the south and central areas of the city. According to Founder Ron Sturgeon, "HUBA has reached out to the city council repeatedly in an effort to collaborate on this issue. We've submitted ideas that would help encourage economic growth in these areas, offered free mentoring of small business owners through a city-HUBA partnership, proposed changes to the city's use matrix, and hired and paid for an independent consultant to draft recommendations for economic development. To date, we do not know of a single idea that has even been considered by the council."
For this reason, HUBA is encouraging broad-minded individuals who are resourceful and open to new ideas to run for Haltom City Council for the coming year. As indicated by HUBA Communications Director Joe Palmer, "Haltom City needs council members who are not in denial about inner-city issues, who will look at the big picture and advocate for policies that promote private sector businesses, strengthen the tax base and cultivate healthy neighborhoods." According to Palmer, revitalization strategies are urgently needed for main corridors such as Denton Highway, Carson, NE 28th Street and Belknap.
If you believe you have the skills to make a difference, HUBA encourages you to consider running for City Council. Additionally, you are invited to contact Joe Palmer at HUBAgrp@gmail.com or (682) 310-0591 to discuss any ideas or address any questions you might have.
About Haltom United Business Alliance
The Haltom United Business Alliance (HUBA) represents existing business interests in Haltom City and strives to promote growth of diverse businesses as well. Founder Ron Sturgeon recently co-authored and published a new book — Keeping the Lights on Downtown in America's Small Cities — which offers key strategies for revitalizing America's inner-city areas. All Haltom City business owners are eligible to join. Dues are $20 annually or $50 for a lifetime membership, and membership is 100% confidential. For more information, contact Joe Palmer by phone at (682) 310-0591 or email HUBAgrp@gmail.com or visit the HUBA Facebook Page.
Contact Information
Joe Palmer
Haltom United Business Alliance
Haltom City, Texas
United States
Voice: 682-310-0591