June 03, 2021 - With reference to section 30 of the Danish Capital Markets Act (Danish Consolidation Act no. 1445 of 29 March 2020) (kapitalmarkedsloven), Vestjysk Bank A/S ("Vestjysk Bank") hereby announces that a notification has been received from Dansk Metal, Fagligt Fælles Forbund (3F), Fødevareforbundet NNF and HK Danmark, respectively, regarding indirect shareholdings in Vestjysk Bank. The shareholdings have indirectly been obtained via Aktieselskabet Arbejdernes Landsbank ("Arbejdernes Landsbank") in connection with Arbejdernes Landsbank's purchase of 750,350,571 shares, corresponding to approx. 60.8% of the share capital and voting rights in Vestjysk Bank.
Dansk Metal, Fagligt Fælles Forbund (3F), Fødevareforbundet NNF and HK Danmark has not obtained direct major shareholdings in Vestjysk Bank as a consequence hereof, but the increase of Arbejdernes Landsbank's shareholding entails that the following associations have obtained indirect shareholdings in Vestjysk Bank:
Fagligt Fælles Forbund (3F) - an indirect shareholding in Vestjysk Bank of 247,465,618 shares, corresponding to 20.06% of the share capital and voting rights in Vestjysk Bank.
Dansk Metal - an indirect shareholding in Vestjysk Bank of 148,719,482 shares, corresponding to 12.06% of the share capital and voting rights in Vestjysk Bank.
Fødevareforbundet NNF - an indirect shareholding in Vestjysk Bank of 86,290,316 shares, corresponding to 7.00% of the share capital and voting rights in Vestjysk Bank.
HK Danmark - an indirect shareholding in Vestjysk Bank of 75,035,057 shares, corresponding to 6.08% of the share capital and voting rights in Vestjysk Bank.
Reference is also made to the major shareholder announcement published 31 Maj 2021 at 11:19:00 am (CET)
Vestjysk Bank A/S
Board of directors
Vestjysk Bank A/S
Torvet 4-5
DK-7620 Lemvig
Telephone +45 96 63 20 00
CVR no. 34 63 13 28