May 14, 2021 03:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time
READING, United Kingdom -Mavenir, the Network Software Provider building the future of networks with cloud-native software that runs on any cloud and transforms the way the world connects, is pleased to announce that it has won the Small Cell Forum Judges’ Choice award for its role in transforming mobile networks through its Multi-G Open RAN small cell solutions and its Mobile Network Operator (MNO) Open RAN neutral host integration.
Multi-G Open RAN small cell solutions: Adding 2G/3G across a single unified RAN to support Multi-G radio access in 2020, Mavenir extended its Open Radio Access Network (Open RAN) capabilities across 2G, 3G, 4G and 5G to offer MNOs and enterprises a complete end-to-end, software-centric network proposition, spanning small cell radios to converged packet core to digital enablement solutions. This enables the move towards one network, rather than managing cost and complexity of several different networks. With a seamless, multi radio access technology (Multi-RAT) single RAN solution, MNOs and enterprises can achieve the benefits of advanced radio solutions across all layers, including incorporating legacy technology in Open RAN strategies, the ability to scale for more users over a longer range, and the potential to take advantage of spectrum for secure private network deployments.
Open RAN neutral host Integration: Mavenir’s Open Virtualised Radio Access Network (Open vRAN) is enabling the industries’ first Neutral Host In-Building (NHIB) OpenRAN technology platform, which was fully tested with tier one MNOs. The technology platform is the first cloud-enabled solution that solves indoor mobile connectivity challenges by enabling the ability to host multiple networks using the same IT infrastructure, providing considerable cost savings for MNOs.
Presenting the award, Caroline Gabriel, Chair of Judges and Co-founder Rethink Research, said, “The judges selected Mavenir for the special Judges’ Choice award for a rich record of innovation in many aspects of the small cell platform. We felt that Mavenir’s contribution went beyond a single awards category and that the company’s impact on the small cell market will be even greater following the acquisition of ip.access, a founder member of the small cell community.”
The virtual awards took place at the Small Cells World Summit, on Thursday 13th May 2021.
About Mavenir
Mavenir is building the future of networks and pioneering advanced technology, focusing on the vision of a single, software-based automated network that runs on any cloud. As the industry's only end-to-end, cloud-native network software provider, Mavenir is focused on transforming the way the world connects, accelerating software network transformation for 250+ Communications Service Providers in over 120 countries, which serve more than 50% of the world’s subscribers.
PR Contact Mavenir
Emmanuela Spiteri
Global PR
Kevin Taylor