LOS ANGELES - May 9, 2021 - According to Steve Muehler, "The Equity Capital markets, including common shares and preferred shares, totaled approximately just over $228 Billion USD before the COVID-19 Pandemic hit, and now that the Pandemic is now seeming to be winding down a bit here in the United States, we see lots of movement in the market to more 'hybrid' classes of securities that combine elements of debt securities, mainly collateralized, with equity securities."
"These 'hybrids' as we refer to them generally contain convertible debt securities, convertible preference shares, and capital notes that have both the debt element and an equity element associated with them. These types of securities tend to offer a higher return than the pure fixed income securities, such as bonds, but a lower return than pure variable income securities, such as equities. These 'hybrids' are considered to be less riskier than pure variable income securities, example is equities again, but are generally more risky than the pure income securities, examples being highly rated corporate bonds, municipal bonds or government backed securities."
Additional Online Resources:
About Steve Muehler Portfolio of Companies (Steve Muehler Holdings, LLC):
Steve Muehler – Paralegal: www.SteveMuehlerParalegal.com
Steve Muehler – Investment Banking: www.SteveMuehlerSecurities.com
Steve Muehler – Annuities: www.SteveMuehlerAnnuities.com
Steve Muehler – Debt Capital Markets: www.SteveMuehlerDebtCapital.com
Steve Muehler – Equity Capital Markets: www.SteveMuehlerEquityCapital.com
Steve Muehler – Real Estate Loans: www.SteveMuehlerLoans.com
Steve Muehler – Insurance: www.SteveMuehlerInsurance.com
Steve Muehler – Commercial Insurance: www.SteveMuehlerCommercialInsurance.com
Steve Muehler – EquityLock Residential: www.EquityLockResidential.com
Steve Muehler – EquityLock Commercial: www.EquityLockCommercial.com
Steve Muehler – Bail Bonds & Immigration Bonds: www.SteveMuehlerBail.com
About Mr. Steve Muehler, Founder & Senior Managing Member:
Personal Site: http://www.SteveMuehler.com
Personal Site: www.StevenMuehler.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/steve-muehler-819a056a/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/stevenjmuehler
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/steve.muehler
Crunchbase: https://www.crunchbase.com/person/steven-muehler
AngelCo: https://angel.co/u/steve-muehler
Medium: https://stevemuehler.medium.com/
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/stevemuehler/
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NEWS SOURCE: Steve Muehler Holdings, LLC
Steve Muehler & Steve Muehler Holdings, LLC