CALGARY, Alberta - May 4, 2021 - The ITeam, Calgary's leading source for Managed IT support, was named one of Canada's Top 100 Solution Providers during a special ceremony held April 28.
The annual ranking is produced by Channel Daily News (CDN) with verification provided by IT business intelligence and analysis leader IDC Canada. The rankings are based on 2020 revenue submitted by Canada's leading channel players.
"Given the uneven impact of the pandemic on business in general, it's not surprising that there was considerable movement in the rankings this year. Companies with a solution that helped facilitate remote work or e-commerce have performed well. Companies with solutions related to tourism or retail found it more difficult," said Fawn Annan, CEO, ITWC.
The ITeam not only worked to help businesses in the Calgary and Alberta areas remain operational where possible but rolled out a variety of new services to provide additional support. The company is dedicated to strengthening locally hosted cloud services for Alberta and Canada businesses.
"I am extremely proud of our entire team for overcoming unprecedented challenges over the past year to support our clients. Everyone went over and above the call of duty to ensure business continuity for all Clients as well as for The ITeam. Words can't express how amazing our team is. The ITeam is honoured to again be recognized by Computer Dealer News," says James Wagner, President of The ITeam.
The virtual event saw the release of the annual CDN Top 100 Solution Providers ranking, a listing of channel organizations that collectively generated more than $10 billion in revenue during 2020. There was considerable movement in the ranking prompted by the move to remote work, a push to cloud solutions in support of digital transformation, and a series of mergers and acquisitions. The ITeam moved up four spots.
"Not only has our team remained dedicated to supporting Alberta businesses, but we also rolled out several new local, secure cloud services to further support our customers," said Wagner. "Being named a CDN Top 100 Solution Provider again this year is recognition for the hard work of our entire team. I congratulate the other Canadian IT companies that were recognized."
About The ITeam
The ITeam has been delivering quality IT results for more than 20 years. As the shift to cloud computing has enabled businesses to be nimbler and more capable of meeting customers' needs, The ITeam has worked to provide the necessary support, security strategies, and partnership required to make the transitions easier. The ITeam delivers cost-effective, comprehensive, customized solutions to clients. Get in touch.
Shadra Bruce
DaSh factor LLC