LOS ANGELES - May 2, 2021 - With Steve Muehler – Insurance just getting going in its Insurance Brokerage Operations in the State of California, today Steve Muehler announced that the firm is adding California Earthquake Insurance to its portfolio of insurance products, with Flood Insurance and Long-Term Care insurance products to follow close behind.
Steve Muehler stated, "It was important to me to have a full package of Insurance Products for our consumer class, not just because we are more profitable with the more policies we place, but the facts say that Earthquake Insurance is important if you live in the Great State of California. First, every Californian has a greater than 99% chance of experiencing a Magnitude 6.7 Earthquake or greater, most Californians live within 30 miles of an active fault, there are 15,700 known faults in the Great State of California of which 500 are currently active. For my personal peace of mind, we have to be able to at a minimum offer and suggest Earthquake coverage to all of our clients, if they choose to pass on the coverage that is their call, but for us here at Steve Muehler – Insurance, especially during Earthquake Awareness in California, it was right to partner with the California Earthquake Authority and other Earthquake Insurance Carriers to add this product to our already impressive stack of Individual, Small-Business and Commercial Insurance products and services."
Additional Online Resources:
About Steve Muehler Portfolio of Companies (Steve Muehler Holdings, LLC):
Steve Muehler – Paralegal: www.SteveMuehlerParalegal.com
Steve Muehler – Investment Banking: www.SteveMuehlerSecurities.com
Steve Muehler – Annuities: www.SteveMuehlerAnnuities.com
Steve Muehler – Debt Capital Markets: www.SteveMuehlerDebtCapital.com
Steve Muehler – Equity Capital Markets: www.SteveMuehlerEquityCapital.com
Steve Muehler – Real Estate Loans: www.SteveMuehlerLoans.com
Steve Muehler – Insurance: www.SteveMuehlerInsurance.com
Steve Muehler – Commercial Insurance: www.SteveMuehlerCommercialInsurance.com
Steve Muehler – EquityLock Residential: www.EquityLockResidential.com
Steve Muehler – EquityLock Commercial: www.EquityLockCommercial.com
Steve Muehler – Bail Bonds & Immigration Bonds: www.SteveMuehlerBail.com
About Mr. Steve Muehler, Founder & Senior Managing Member:
Personal Site: http://www.SteveMuehler.com
Personal Site: www.StevenMuehler.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/steve-muehler-819a056a/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/stevenjmuehler
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/steve.muehler
Crunchbase: https://www.crunchbase.com/person/steven-muehler
AngelCo: https://angel.co/u/steve-muehler
Medium: https://stevemuehler.medium.com/
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/stevemuehler/
NEWS SOURCE: Steve Muehler Holdings, LLC
Steve Muehler & Steve Muehler Holdings, LLC