April 22, 2021 - Scheduled for release on May 6, 2021, the book is already receiving rave reviews from readers and reviewers.
On Friday night in the clay fields of Bethel Creek, seventeen-year-old Daniel Reyes is found brutally attacked and left for dead. On Saturday morning, Cora Maxwell finds her teenage son’s clothes covered in blood. A small town torn apart by a horrific hate crime. An investigative reporter hell bent on finding the truth. A mother’s worst nightmare.
A small town torn apart by a horrific hate crime.
An investigative reporter hell bent on finding the truth.
A mother’s worst nightmare.
What really happened to the Reyes boy?
In the heart-stopping and timely suspense novel, Secrets Mothers Keep, widow and mother Cora Maxwell faces the hardest decision of her life. In a world where there are few second chances, do you grant one to your child? And if so… what is the cost?
Book Information:
Secrets Mothers Keep
By Anya Mora
Release Date: May 6, 2021
ISBN: 9781705942222
Pages: 330
Genre: Domestic Suspense, Psychological Thriller
About the Authors:
Anya Mora lives in the Pacific Northwest with her family. Her novels, while leaning toward the dark, ultimately reflect light, courage, and her innate belief that love rewards the brave.
Website: http://www.anyamora.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/anya.mora.author
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/anya_mora_
BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/anya-mora
Promo Link: http://bookbuzz.net/blog/domestic-suspense-secrets-mothers-keep-by-anya-mora/
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