MALIBU, Calif. - April 6, 2021 - Dr. Olinda Lorentz is succeeding due to the miracles she has been doing on the lips of women in Brazil. According to the doctor, she has already performed more than 2,500 procedures and never stops reaching more clients in her office, even in times of pandemic. On her Instagram, she displays all her works and "before and after" photos that surprise everyone.
In an article published on news sites, Olinda comments that many women come to her office not only to increase their mouths, but also to repair badly done fillings by other professionals in the field. "Many patients arrive with the filling out of the lips, and that gives a not very beautiful projection, known as the famous duck's mouth. Some cases are possible to fix, others must be removed." The doctor also explains that the procedure is not painful and should be done to increase the woman's self-esteem. "It is not a painful procedure, and it must be done to recover damaged self-esteem."
The fashion of the big mouth is on the rise among the famous and also in several influencers of social networks. The procedure in Brazil and in several parts of the world is now more accessible. "Today everyone wants to have Angelina Jolie's lips. I really like exaggeration, but it looks beautiful and harmonious, like my clients do."
In the pandemic, the demand for the procedure has grown a lot due to the increase in photos on social networks and appearances by video conference. "They all want to have doll lips."
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