CHICAGO - March 27, 2021 - Fort Maner an urban Chicago clothing store is preparing to make Easter 2021 normal again. Saturday April 3, 2021 Fort Maner will provide easter baskets for children in the surrounding community. Children 10 and under are invited to Fort Maner located at 2819 W. Harrison. Parents can bring their children out from 2pm-6pm for food, entertainment and to take pictures with the Easter Bunny. The Me & My Bears Company will be in attendance to assist the first 50 children in making their own special easter bunnies. All children are invited, supplies are limited so early arrival is suggested. This is a first come, first served event and only one basket will be given per child. All children must be in attendance to receive baskets.
Children must be accompanied by an adult. Due to the Covid pandemic prior to entry temperatures will be taken, masks will be required, and hand sanitizer will be made available. There will be a nurse on duty to ensure that all precautions for social distancing will be adhered to.
Visit for details