LOS ANGELES - March 13, 2021 - Silicon Valley Insider Lainey Cameron Releases Audiobook Of Her Women's Fiction Novel - The Exit Strategy
Author Lainey Cameron is pleased to announce that her women's fiction novel, The Exit Strategy, has been released in audio format. The book, which was inspired by Lainey's experience of being the only woman in the boardroom in Silicon Valley, was also the winner of the 2020 Readers' Favorite Award for women's fiction.
"I grew tired of clichéd portrayals in fiction and on screen of powerful women in business tearing each other apart," said Lainey Cameron. "During this Women's History Month, I'm happy to offer an alternate perspective. Despite competing in industries that are still steeped in sexism, my experience is that women more often choose to lift each other up."
Tech executive Carly can't wait to marry the man of her dreams. But her world is turned upside down when she discovers her fiancé is already wed to Ryn — her company's top investor!
Silicon Valley investor Ryn Brennan is on the verge of achieving everything she dreamed. She's succeeded in the sexist venture capital world, has a supportive husband, and is about to close the deal of her career. Everything is going exactly as planned, until she meets her husband's mistress, across the negotiating table.
Carly clawed her way back from being a teenage runaway to become an accomplished scientist, caring single mom, and co-founder of her startup. Once she marries her loving fiancé, she'll secure the complete family she craves. But she's blindsided to discover her not so perfect fiancé is already married.
In an industry full of not-so-subtle sexism, can the two women rise above, and work together to overcome heartbreak, and ensure their success?
Audiobook Excerpt Available at https://soundcloud.com/laineycameron/the-exit-strategy-au...
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BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/books/the-exit-strategy-by-lainey-cameron
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