LOUISVILLE, Ky. - Feb. 24, 2021 - The global population may reach nearly 10 Billion people by 2050. And global food production will need to increase by nearly 75% in the next 25 years, all during a time of severe climate change that will stress traditional agriculture production capabilities.
Therefore, the most pressing challenges ever faced by mankind include key elements that should be addressed within the next 25 years reports BrightNovaMedia.com. The most pressing challenges we face in the years ahead are as follows;
Clean Water shortages and Clean Ocean solutions
Food shortages to feed nearly 10 Billion People and Population Growth Issues
Severe Climate Change and Energy Innovation Needed to Eliminate Carbon Pollution
Mutating Deadly Disease and Illness Acceleration such as COVID and SARS
Challenge of Diverse People Learning to Cooperate, Increasing Violent Conflicts
Mathematically, the Earth can support about 8 Billion people, a population figure we are on the verge of reaching in 2023. The population explosion will combine with the increasingly violent weather patterns and severe climate change such as flooding, wild fires and the increasing frequency of earth quakes. For example by 2050, annually 17 million U.S. properties will be at 'substantial risk' of flooding in any given year. And the growing clean water, food shortages and mutating disease threats are pushing us in a race to accelerate innovation, in order to solve the crisis that mankind faces in the next few decades.
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