高中英语常用词组 go off for

高中英语常用词组 go off for


go off for 接近


After lots of catching up and laughing, I'll go off for some time on my own to read and write in my notebook.


In May, I'll go off for a week and read 100 or more papers from Microsoft employees that examine issues related to the company and the future of technology.


He can go off for 81 points in a game and do things like that.


If it is reading or writing then the A202.00 will go OFF for the duration of the read or write, preventing other communication rungs guarded with it from executing, and then returns to the on state.


You'll have a lot to tell Oprah How your dad destroyed your life because he had to go off for a weekend special at the Holiday Inn!


When the figurine hits the ground, the sound triggers the lights to go off for a fraction of a second.


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