January 28, 2021 - The book was released by Tell-Tale Publishing in October 2020.
In a post-apocalyptic world, dragons, elves, vampires and demons war for control of Earth. A girl with powerful Gifts is the only hope the world has to destroy Slygon, a demon from the Pit come to rule all.
With the aid of a half-orc, his friends and a fairy, Annabelle tames dragons and rides to fight Slygon on his home territory. On a mission to rescue her sister from Slygon’s power, Annabelle will stop at nothing. When everyone around her is saying it’s time to quit, Annabelle is just getting started.
Let There be Dragons is available for purchase in print and ebook formats.
Book Information:
Let There be Dragons
By Janet Post
Publisher: Tell-Tale Publishing
Published: October 2020
ISBN: 978-1952020063
Pages: 399
Genre: Dark Fantasy
About the Author:
Janet Post is a self-described military brat from Hawaii. She worked as a reporter for years before retiring to write books. Horses and dogs are her passion along with writing adventure and fantasy for young adults. She currently lives in the swamplands of Florida.
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/jpost2019
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jschrade52/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/janet-schrader-seccafico-ab728334/
Promo Link: http://bookbuzz.net/blog/dark-fantasy-let-there-be-dragons-by-janet-post/
Purchase Links:
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