January 26, 2021 - God Waits Outside (ISBN 13 : 978-1734891584, Dragon Tree Books, 2020) by Michael Churchward is being released in an audiobook on Amazon, Audible, and iTunes The print and Kindle editions were released for worldwide distribution in 2021. The book is the compelling and gripping real life story of Churchward, a renowned yacht captain who was arrested and thrown into a Turkish prison for a crime he did not commit. God Waits Outside recounts Churchward’s ordeal which is a tale of suffering, endurance, courage, and ultimately the triumph of the human spirit. The book is riveting account of Churchward’s yearlong saga caught in the twisted justice systems of two countries – Greece and Turkey all because of a baseless charge. It examines the injustices in the world, the corruption of the legal process, the squalor and suffering of a Turkish orison while caught between the justice systems of two foreign nations, and ultimately a triumph for Churchward and for justice. Churchward who had never found himself to be a deeply religious person discusses in the book, the fear of abandonment and the discovery of faith. This real -life saga will keep readers enthralled to the last page.
“Writing God Waits Outside was both cathartic and a labor of love,” said Michael Churchward. “I found that I had so much inside me that I had not discussed in the past about my ordeal that I wanted to be told. I am glad that it can reach an even wider audience in an audiobook edition.
“I hope when readers read God Waits Outside, they come away inspired with the belief that no matter how dark and hopeless a situation might be, there is always light ahead,” continued Churchward. “And on a lighter note, the book will confirm that a Turkish prison is really as bad as it is claimed to be and even worse.”
Michael Churchward is a world-renowned yachting captain with has broken world several records in his career. Today he resides in Pompano Beach, Florida. God Waits Outside is available on amazon.com.
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David Johnson
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