TULSA, Okla. - Jan. 23, 2021 - Whataburger #395 6004 S Sheridan Rd in Tulsa, Oklahoma, 74145, is now hiring for permanent, part time, management, food service, customer support and other positions now available. Whataburger is the best in the food service industry for pay, benefits, working conditions and a family of people who are dedicated to providing customers the very best in food. At Whataburger, we make the food like YOU want iot! Working @ Whataburger #395 can be one of the best career moves that anyone can make.
Now is the best time to lock in a permanent position in morning, evening or night shifts. All positions are needed therefore, if a person is already employed, Whataburger #395 can become the second dream job everyone wants and needs to fill in the gaps. The management of Whataburger #395 are skilled, intelligent, highly motivated and willing to work with anyone and everyone interested in joining the Whatraburger family of fine restaurants.
To begin the process to a great new job, please visit: https://www.whataburger395.com and read the site. If one needs any help at all, please feel free to fill in the contact form and help will be right on the way!
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