NEW YORK - Dec. 28, 2020 - These innovative tools allow a craftsperson to carry marks for layout and joinery around the edges of parts using patent-pending calibrated collinear technology that eliminates the 'eyeball creep' inaccuracy common to ordinary marking tools.
Woodworking publications often share tips and advice on how to make cutting dovetails easier, usually addressing the transfer of tail locations to the pin board, or pins to the tail board. For most joinery, layout is taken for granted and cutting is the hard part. Tailspin makes that true for dovetails too.
"Most dovetailing failures happen at the transfer," says Myko, Inventor of TailSpin Tools,
"The best woodworkers with years of experience still struggle with this step in the process."
Thanks to Tailspin's new creation, Collinear Dovetail Markers, a craftsperson can lay out entire sets of dovetail joints; both pins AND tails, or even entire projects' worth of dovetails using physical registration, and before cutting a single line. This breakthrough eliminates the ancient practice of using one side of a joint as a template for the second.
Tailspin's offerings include: 3 Collinear Dovetail Marker sets, and TailSpin SQd (squared), a 90-degree Collinear Square set that can be used alone or with a craftsperson's existing tools. Tailspin's Calibrated Collinear Marking Tools open dovetail joinery to applications long considered impractical, difficult, or impossible while improving accuracy and streamlining workflow.
Myko expresses, "There are thousands of expert opinions, tips, jigs, and videos on this topic. Like the weather, the chatter is how to live with or work around it, never what to do about it. That changes for you today thanks to our Calibrated Collinear Marking Tools!"
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Dana Humphrey