NEW YORK - Dec. 25, 2020 - "Canada Keystone XL Pipeline should have never been greenlighted. To think the Trump Administration signed off on a venture that would allow a foreign country to build a pipeline through the heart of America is crazy! Discarding all the studies that showed the damage that a single oil spill would cause. If the Biden Administration allows Keystone XL Pipeline to move forward, his Administration will be breaking another treaty with Native Americans; thus, making America's Word Worthless.
The American Indians have been on the frontline fighting and asking America to keep its word! All one has to do is ask Canadians the same question: would they allow an American Oil Company to build an Oil Pipeline through the heart of Canada? And we all know the answer to this question, NO! Not a single region would sign off on a project like this. But they are counting on Americans to be stupid and fall for the JOBS IN THE BAG TRICK! Temporary Jobs that won't allow Americans to send their kids to college or buy a new house. We can no longer place Jobs at the top of the totem pole when it comes to the Environment. Whether you believe in Global Warming or not, we are running out of time" said Davinia Lewinsky, Moviegazoo's Environment Specialist.
"Over 90% of Moviegazoo Members are Environment Conscious Consumers. This is why Moviegazoo has launched a $30 million Environment Fund. Our goal is to support the people on the frontline fighting to save the environment. Because the Keystone XL Pipeline is just part of the problem, the product itself is the other part. We are talking about sending the dirtiest type of oil there is TAR-LIKE (BLACK) OIL SANDS through the heart of America! It makes you wonder was the Prime Minister of Canada wearing Black Face when Mr. Jason Kenney the Premier of Alberta asked him to sign on to the Unprecedented Keystone XL Pipeline? No country would ever allow a foreign country, and yes Canada is a foreign country; to do what the idiots in Washington D.C. signed off on!
"New York Times reporter, Mr. Coral Davenport, wrote on Nov. 18, 2014: In their natural state, the thick, tarlike oil sands, also known as bitumen, are combined with sand, clay and water in a dense, gooey mix. And the practice that an oil company use has already destroyed many acres of Alberta's (Canada) Forest. In one method, large amounts of water and natural gas are used to pump steam into the sands to extract the oil, which creates toxic environmental runoff."
As Americans are being asked to invest in Electric Vehicles, how in the world can the U.S. Government even be considering allowing the Keystone XL Pipeline to continue when only Canada will benefit from it? We cannot discard the security risks that the Keystone XL Pipeline poses. If a Terrorist Organization were to target the Keystone XL Pipeline it would make 911 look like kids play. Thousands of Streams, Water Wells and Wildlife would be destroyed. A (Terrorist) attack would wipe out over 30% of U.S. Farm Products; with the Gulf Area losing more than 200k U.S. Jobs.
Joe Biden's number one job is to protect the American People, not billionaires in Canada. Allowing the Keystone XL Pipeline to move forward would be putting the people Joe Biden Swears to protect on January 20, 2021 at risk! This is why we are joining Native Americans and calling on President Elect Joe Biden to keep his word to the people that voted for him! Keep Your Word Joe!" Stated Moviegazoo Executive Team.
Mary L. Hamilton