LAS VEGAS - Nov. 24, 2020 - MFM Publishing announces The Original Jeeps is now available in Kindle format at Amazon. The Kindle edition joins the paperback book which continues to sell well in Amazon US and worldwide, as well as through Blackwell's in the UK and Bokus in Sweden.
"The Original Jeeps continues to be a top seller in paperback and we are excited to now expand the book offering for those who prefer the Kindle format," said Paul R. Bruno, author. "Jeep fans and automotive and history buffs alike continue to share their excitement for this true story of how three companies competed in 1940 to develop America's first all-terrain, ¼-ton 4x4 vehicle, the Jeep, helping the allies emerge victorious in World War II."
Bruno, award winning author of The First Jeep (2014), and in conjunction with Publisher Manuel 'Max' Freedman and Editor Steven K. Hoese, wrote The Original Jeeps to highlight the true story of the challenges, emotions, strategy and competition to design and manufacture America's first ¼-ton 4x4, all-terrain vehicle.
"American Bantam Car Company, Willys-Overland Motors and Ford Motor Company, were all in hot pursuit of the sole-source government contract to build the Jeep. The Original Jeeps details the military's plan to replace the mule as a key transport for troops and weaponry across rough terrain, and deals with and expansively quotes the key business, government and military officials involved in the design and decision-making," said Bruno.
Similar to Bruno's The First Jeep, The Original Jeeps is intensively researched and is full of photos, renderings, direct quotes, timelines and more. The release of the book is timed to the true 80th anniversary of the Jeep vehicle.
"President and General Dwight Eisenhower said the Jeep was a key tool that helped win the war and General George C. Marshall called the Jeep 'America's greatest contribution to modern warfare. Our team wants to salute that accomplishment and highlight the Jeep brand, an American icon that has survived for eight decades and continues to thrive today."
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About Paul R. Bruno
Paul Bruno is a highly knowledgeable expert on the earliest history of the origins, design, development and implementation of the iconic Jeep vehicle. He has spent more than 20 years researching, writing and studying early Jeep history. He visited key sites in this story, including the United States National Archives, and combined his knowledge of project management and history in his first book, Project Management in History: The First Jeep, published in 2014. The Original Jeeps further tells the story of early Jeep history and continues his journey into the depths of this important inspirational work of human ingenuity.