DAVENPORT, Iowa - Nov. 1, 2020 - Legacy Book Press LLC has released its latest personal story, a memoir by Ken Lefkowitz. Weave of Destiny relates the tortuous journey over a jagged road that the author and his wife traveled to have a family of their own. It is available for sale online on Amazon or wherever books are sold. The author is also planning to contribute twenty percent of his profits from each book sold to the National Organization for Women (NOW).
Weave of Destiny can provide guidance and hope for those who are struggling to have children, while fostering a sense of appreciation, gratitude, and thankfulness for those who have not encountered difficulties. It's filled with many twists, turns, and ironies, a true-to-life narrative of extreme hardship and sorrow, then triumph over challenging and potentially crippling events.
About his book, Lefkowitz said, "I wrote Weave of Destiny because I believe the surprising, shocking, and potentially crippling real-life events that buffeted my wife and me, some of which seem to defy belief, make for a fascinating and captivating story. Also, those who have heard our story over the years encouraged us to possibly help others by sharing how we overcame the darkest of times by never giving up hope, staying as positive as possible, exploring options and alternatives, and focusing attention and actions on the future. And for those who have been spared extreme difficulties in their lives, to perhaps gain a greater appreciation for being so fortunate."
Lefkowitz earned BA and MS degrees and has pursued business studies at the graduate level. He is currently retired after working as a consultant and senior director for major corporations. His rich experience managing people from all walks of life, various skills and knowledge, and from many locales, was invaluable. A firm believer in women's rights, Ken worked to hire and promote women into professional and supervisory positions at a time when typically, regardless of education or skills, they were relegated to support and secretarial positions. Today, he continues to support women's rights and equality, remaining active in organizations advocating for women's causes. Augmented by the wisdom he acquired as a husband, father, and grandfather, the insight he gained, and his deep understanding of the human condition is reflected in his writing.
Find more on the Legacy Book Press website at https://legacybookpress.com/weave-of-destiny/