MJ DeMarco Review - Does What This Guy is Saying Make Sense?

LOS ANGELES - Oct. 11, 2020 - I have been told that the writings of MJ DeMarco have made financial experts, even accountants, blood boil!


Because he has turned the "traditional" success career path on its head. He teaches that wasting your life in a job hoping to retire at 65 is insanity.

And that the financial advice that 95% of the experts give will keep you broke and desperate to live a better life.

Here is some of his wisdom:

You'll fail if you have the wrong mindset, no matter how much you earn.

The conventional path to wealth is unsound.

You don't need a flashy degree to get wealthy.

Wealth doesn't equal money, but money can increase your wealth.

Becoming a millionaire is the result of a process, not one "big hit."

To get really rich, think like a producer, not like a consumer.

If you want to be a millionaire, forget the saying "do what you love."

A business that's worth entering can't be entered without effort and isn't open to everyone.

A lot of us try to safeguard our future the traditional way: find a good job, work hard for about 40 years, and save everything we can for retirement. Yet this way leads to lifelong servitude and there's no guarantee you'll end up rich. There's another way, though: pinpoint a good market niche, work out a business plan and take a few years of effort to build a system that generates income, even when you're not working.

To discover what MJ DeMarco would do if he was starting over read more at the link below:



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