OJAI, Calif. - Sept. 25, 2020 - The Ventura County Public Works Agency - Watershed Protection (VCPWA-WP) is preparing the Matilija Dam Ecosystem Restoration Project Subsequent Environmental Impact Report (SEIR), and they are soliciting community input.
Studies to remove Matilija Dam began in 1998 after the southern steelhead trout was listed as endangered. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Ventura County Board of Supervisors approved the joint 2004 Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report (EIS/EIR) for the Matilija Dam Ecosystem Restoration Project that analyzed the removal of Matilija Dam. Dam removal restores steelhead passage to spawning habitat in Matilija Creek and improves natural sediment transport processes in Matilija Creek and the Ventura River. The EIS/EIR evaluated dam removal after moving the sediments trapped behind the dam to floodplain storage areas upstream and downstream of the dam.
Subsequent studies determined large storms would move sediments naturally through the river if two large holes were made in the dam base. The concrete dam structure would be removed following sediment movement.
The public is encouraged to provide comments on the scope of the Subsequent Environmental Impact Report being prepared now by VCPWA-WP. Brief project component descriptions and other information are provided at the website.
Comments may be submitted via email, mail, or online by October 8, 2020. For the mailing address and additional information, visit www.vcpublicworks.org/wp/mderp/.
Ventura County Public Works Agency