SPRINGFIELD, La. - Sept. 24, 2020 - Springfield Wellness Center, originator and producer of intravenous BR+NAD protocols for the treatment of addiction, alcoholism, stress, and neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, is pleased to announced that the 2020 BR+NAD Brain Restoration Summit is coming to YOU this November 20-21!
The BR+NAD Brain Restoration Summit is the ONLY international gathering of researchers and clinicians specifically devoted to NAD practice and research. This year's Summit will be delivered directly to your computer, and Summit recordings will be available for future listening.
NAD is a foundational molecule, ubiquitous in healthy cells, where it plays an essential role in many metabolic and cell regulatory processes—the full implications of which are only now being understood. In addition to its demonstrated benefits at treating addiction, depression, and PTSD, NAD has been gaining recognition for its role in combating the effects of aging—and for offering powerful possibilities for the treatment of chronic diseases, autoimmune disorders, chronic fatigue, and neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. Dr. James P. Watson will present his research into the role of NAD+ in defending against viruses such as SARS-CoV-2, the one that causes COVID-19.
For speakers, schedule, how to submit a poster abstract or case study, and registration information, visit http://www.brplusnadsummit.com/. Watch our video here: http://www.brplusnadsummit.com/invitation-to-our-summit/.
Springfield Wellness Center
(225) 294-5955; registration@nadsummit.com