CLAREMONT, Calif. - Sept. 16, 2020 - According to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death for young people aged 5-25. Isolation, fear, uncertainty of the future, a change in routine (like remote learning), and parents under financial stress or job loss, are all reasons why our children may begin to experience sadness, depression, anger, and in some cases, suicidal thoughts.
"Teenagers in particular go through a load of complex emotions on a day-by-day basis due to school pressure, friends, extracurricular activities, and desire for more independence," says Dr. Lisa Pion-Berlin, ACHT, ACSW and CEO at Parents Anonymous®, "When we top off their struggles with a global pandemic, they have a whole new set of challenges to conquer. Through honest conversation with our youth, and by providing kids who need it with help, we can prevent suicides and save lives."
A few of the common warning signs to look for:
• Making suicidal statements
• Being preoccupied with death in conversation, writing, or drawing
• Withdrawing from friends and family
• Having aggressive or hostile behavior
• Running away from home
• A change in personality (such as from upbeat to quiet)
At Parents Anonymous®, we believe it is crucial to tune into your child's mood. When parents ask their kids directly, "How are you?" they may just respond with, "I'm fine," when deep down they are not.
Here are ways parents and/or caregivers can help children and youth cope:
• Take time to talk about their feelings. Let kids scream into a pillow or just cry.
• Acknowledge and respect your child's fear and losses.
• Help your kids stay connected with their friends or join a new group of those with similar interests.
• Meditate for 10 minutes a day as a family.
• Laugh out loud often. Make time for extra hugs too!
• Remind your child to breathe when they are feeling overwhelmed.
• Call the California Parents & Youth Helpline (1-855-427-2736).
• DON'T IGNORE: If you think your child is having serious thoughts of suicide, call the Parents Anonymous® Helpline ASAP and follow up on getting professional help.
Now you can Call, text, and chat in any language with a trained Helpline Advocate. You can JOIN AN ONLINE SUPPORT GROUP NOW: 855-427-2736 or email: or visit
Parents Anonymous®:
Dana K Humphrey