SAN MATEO, Calif. - Sept. 9, 2020 - HURRY!
An advertising agency called R.M. Barrows Advertising & Public Relations in San Mateo, California, has developed a proposal for a very special kind of Halloween Promotion that could generate tremendous advertising revenues for media companies and for book publishing companies as well.
The promotion could generate...
*Worldwide Publicity
*Worldwide Participation
*And tremendous advertising revenues from all over the globe!
You can do the math with your own numbers.
First, how much money do you currently make from your online advertising everyday?
Now...multiply that figure by the number of days you might do the Halloween Promotion...that could be anywhere from 30 to 45 days prior to Halloween.
Now, multiply that figure by the number of different languages in which you might want to do the promotion! (2 languages, 5 languages, 20 languages?) You can sell this promotion in any country where they celebrate Halloween, and that's a lot of countries!
So now...with your own much money could this make?
*Thousands of dollars in new revenue?
*Tens of thousands of dollars in new revenue?
*Hundreds of thousands of dollars in new revenue?
*Millions of dollars in new revenue?
*Tens of millions of dollars in new revenue?
*Hundreds of millions of dollars in new advertising revenue, from all over the globe?
And...since there would also be very few hard costs involved, it could also generate tremendous profits for you!
And...since it would take place online, it would be in addition to your regular revenues and it would not cut into your traditional media inventory!
"Plus, it will also be very easy to produce, very easy to promote and very easy to sell, says Barrows, because there will be all kinds of advertisers who would jump at the chance to sponsor something like this and run advertising in something like this online."
Barrows says he can't reveal any more of the details about the proposal in this press release, but media companies that would like to take a look at the proposal for this very special kind of Halloween Promotion should contact Robert Barrows at R.M. Barrows, Inc. Advertising and Public Relations in San Mateo, California at 650-344-4405.
Robert Barrows